Saturday 30 July 2022

City of Shellharbour Ward A - Distribution of Preferences

Last Updated On 15/08/2022 10:03

Candidates to be Elected: 2

Formal Papers: 12,609

Quota: 4,204

SALIBA Marianne - 1,800 Vote(s) Transferred, 1,834 Ballot Paper(s) Distributed

Summary | First Count | Previous Count | Count 005

Brought Forward This Count Progressive Total
Candidates in Ballot Order Elected at Count Distributed at Count Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes
SALIBA Marianne 5 1,834 1,800 (1,834) (1,800) 0 0
KEMP Liz 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
EDWARDS Maree 5 3,483 3,454 238 228 3,721 3,682
VANN Aarron 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
MARSH Kellie 1 2 0 4,204 0 0 0 4,204
BITSCHKAT Shane 6,563 2,936 158 153 6,721 3,089
Subtotal 11,880 12,394 10,442 10,975
Exhausted 729 1,438 2,167
Votes Lost* 215 1,419 1,634
Total 12,609 12,609 12,609 12,609

* Votes Lost includes votes lost by fraction and votes lost when the aggregated value of exhausted votes is greater than the quota.

Summary | First Count | Previous Count | Count 005

Candidates Elected at this Count

Candidates Total Votes
EDWARDS Maree * 3,682

* There is 1 position to be filled and candidate EDWARDS Maree has a progressive total which is greater than the total votes of all the other candidates remaining in the count with a smaller progressive total and any un-transferred surpluses. Therefore this candidate has now been elected.

There are no surplus votes available for transfer.

2 Candidates have now been elected.

End of Election Count Process.